On Balance
By Del Saito
Job 31:6 - "Let me be weighed in an even balance, that God may know mine integrity."
I have been teaching martial arts for over 50 years while seeking to understand the art in depth in order to be a better teacher. One of the common denominator I have found for success is balance. Yes as simple as it may seem, excellence in the martial arts and overall wellness for a person is bal- ance. Teaching balance is one of my main topics and I hope each one of you will find your balance for a more productive and healthier life.
Youth often place too much stress on themselves mainly trying to be accepted by their peers. Some tend to weigh their self-worth by staying in tune to latest fads while trying to figure out who they are and how they fit in to everything around them. They feel pressured by their parents to conform to rules and responsibilities. Others play too many video games, watch too much TV and love fast foods.
Adults are also out of balance. Many use work as an excuse to replace their parental or spousal responsibilities. Their passion to increase their bottom line becomes one of their main priorities in life. Some don’t take care for themselves as they should and can’t seem to find time to smell the roses. Too many are easily stressed, gossip too much and eat horribly.
Instructors also are stressed by trying to do everything while trying to please everyone at once. They teach their classes, fill in as parents, are counselors and business operators and obligated to participate at martial arts functions. Simultaneously, they are trying to be a loving husband, wife or par- ent.
How often do you feel drained and depressed? Have you been neglecting your health? Are you taking time to eat a balanced meal? Are you easily swayed to do the wrong things due to peer pres- sure? Are you struggling with the responsibilities of family versus personal desires? Do you feel stuck in what you are doing? Have you been feeling guilty of your spiritual needs? Do you have a hard time dealing with getting older? Do you often times procrastinate? Are you still dealing with a loss of a loved one?
If you are constantly reacting to stressful situations, without making mental, emotional and even physical adjustments to counter their effect, you can experience stress that can hurt your health and well-being. You must determine the right amount of stress that will give you energy, a desire for achievement, and enthusiasm.
Once you discover what is causing an unbalanced scale to creep into your life, you will need to make some positive changes. Here are a few suggestions.
A simple start is to be more organized; that is, plan your daily activities including an activity for yourself. And more importantly, don’t let others take you away form your personal plans unless you absolutely feel that it is urgent. If you are overwhelmed in life, it's alright to say no to an extra task. And don’t be afraid to ask for help. And don’t worry if at times you put off something that is replaced with joy. In other words don’t be too rigid to depart from your schedule if an opportunity arises.
I would suggest that you get up a half hour earlier than usual, so that you can have a quiet time to yourself to plan your day. Make a list of all the things you need to do and wish to do. Don’t cram so much into your schedule or you might also be scheduling your headaches. Include in your list, one or two specific things to do to bring a smile to someone’s face. Some of these might include: call your grandparents, parents or friends just to say hi; talk to your children while they drop in, even if you’re watching ‘Jeopardy’; say something nice to a classmate who is different, lost or out of place; and smile and say, “good day” to all that pass your way.
Now comes the most difficult part of maintaining your balance to a less-stressful existence, and that is disciplining yourself to fulfill your daily activities according to your schedule. You must take charge of your life. By doing so, you will discover that you will become more self aware, energized and happier.
As your sensei, I will offer you support and guidance and at the same time hold you accountable `so procrastination is less likely. You will achieve your goals more quickly. As you discover your prior- ities, you will become more confident as you reach your goals. Those around you will see and feel your positive energy and the possibilities to energize them will be great.
One of my students recently wrote me, “This week, I've felt very tired and drained and wishing that I did not have to come and train. But I remember what you've said about that being the BEST time TO train. So I've made myself come and have felt all the better after class. My Karate-do train- ing is slowly teaching me more about priorities. Not in regards to my family's needs but about my own needs. I'm trying to simplify and narrow down what it is that 'I' really want to accomplish. In the beginning, I didn't know that my Karate training would be so important to me. I find now that it is VERY important and very valuable in many ways.”
Someone once said that a definition of insanity is doing the same thing again and again, expect- ing different results. When you find yourself overwhelmed and stressed-out, you need to avoid ‘insan- ity’ by altering your way of doing things. Don’t live on a diet of chaotic busyness that keeps you unful- filled and desperate. Prioritize, discipline yourself to stay on schedule, hold yourself accountable, and modify your behavior. Utilize your karate training to become more balanced, and you will learn to lessen your unneeded stress, stay on top of things and live a healthier, meaningful and happier life.
"Life may not be the party we hoped for... but while we are here we might as well dance!"
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